
Alla inlägg under januari 2013

Av Zarah - 29 januari 2013 21:23

- Did you know I was in love with you a year ago? He froze. He didn’t know what to say. In a blink of an eye, he felt uncomfortable, which was an odd feeling around her. She didn’t seem to notice his change of “mind-state” and just kept swirling her fingers around his neck chain.
- No, no... I didn’t know that... he said hesitatingly. She laughed a little without any sound. She left his chain and started to finger on his collar bones. He cleared his throat, tried to move around to feel less troubled and felt his cheeks getting warmer.

- I disguised it well then. I got head over heels every time we were together. Her hand stroke his chest and then moved it down to his abs. His breathing got strained and he took a hold of her wrist. She looked up and finally understood that he felt uncomfortable. In normal cases she would have given him a big grin, changed the subject and kept talking but this time she didn’t. She was quiet and they just gazed at one another. He felt strange heartbeats pounding in his chest. They were pumping too fast, too hard. She lifted her head from his torso, making her face become even closer then before.

- What are you doing? He asked with stumbling words. She looked at him like she hadn’t got a clue.

- Are we about to kiss? The words just slipped out of his mouth. She lightly shook her head.

- I have no idea, she answered quietly, are we? And then he was left speechless again. Did he want to kiss her? Some parts of him wanted to, some really didn’t. Mostly, he just felt insecure and confused. Like someone else had taken over his body, his fingers touched her cheek, he took his eyes off of hers and started to actually look at her face. He realised that she wouldn’t kiss him. If it would happen, it was on his initiative. Maybe they should? Just, so they had done it. Made sure, but no, no, they really shouldn’t. It would probably ruin their friendship. God, she was like a sister to him. Still, when they were lying there, on the floor, half naked and looking at each other, that feeling of her as a family member didn’t appear. He wet his lips, leaned slowly forward, pushed her chin up and yes, his lips met hers. They looked at each other a few seconds then he kissed her again but this time their lips met longer and not just once. They rolled over, she went lying on her back while he stooped with his upper body over her. He placed his hand over her hip and she put her hands around his chin. His mind were all over the place. What the actual fuck was going on?


A short knock on the door and his mother’s voice through it disturbed them.

- Hey,  guys, are you awake? If not, better get up now! They stared at each other, scared of the fact that his mother could walk in any second.

- No, no, we’re awake! He shouted and pressed his eyelids together, wishing with his whole heart she wouldn’t enter the room.

- Great, honey, I’ll be downstairs. Footsteps walking away and down the stairs. He breathed out and then fell down on his back next to her. They laid there for a couple of minutes, speaking no words, only staring to the ceiling.

- I just realized something, she finally said. He glanced at her.

- You did? Well, so did I. What did you realize? She remained quiet a few seconds more.

- I’m not in love with you anymore, she finally stated. They both sighed. She turned her head his way.

- What did you... realize? She whispered. He turned his head so their noses almost touched. He took a deep breath and turned to the ceiling once again.

- I really... I really am gay. And so they looked at each other again. As they had know one another for a long time, they just knew when the other one were about to laugh. This time was no exception and they could hold themselves exactly the same amount of time and then they just burst out laughing like two escaped maniacs. She hit him lightly in the head and he tickled her in her waist. She screamed and sat up. He followed and there they sat, giggling and smiling. She dragged him into a hug. It wasn’t awkward, not strained. They were just two friends hugging.

- Glad we made that very clear, she laughed and he shook with trapped laughter. He pushed her to the arm's length distance.

- Never again? He said smiling and she shook her head.

- Never again.



Av Zarah - 28 januari 2013 17:51

    Det här är den andra flashen jag gjort :P hihiih


Min mentor gav mig en kort introduktion i Adobe Flash. HERRE GUD TROR HAN ATT JAG HAR HUR MYCKET TID I VÄRLDEN SOM HELST ELLER?! Det här var underbart roligt och får en massa sjuka idéer som jag bara vill göra! :D Här är ialla fall nåt littet hihihi 

oooom det är någon som kan se den för det kan nämligen inte jag...


Av Zarah - 24 januari 2013 22:58


vi skall taga över världen med vår nya hashtag. #killkebab

Av Zarah - 24 januari 2013 16:25


24:e respektive 23:e december. Foto 2: Lars. Jag har dock redigerat, ljussatt, stått modell, fixat kläder o smink och kom på idén ;) Bilderna har absolut inget med inlägget att göra. Men det var ju två trevliga dagar iallafall... 


Jomen hejsan. Här händer det inte så mycket :P Skola, serier och sömn är det som prioriteras just nu :) Idag har jag dansat "salsa" (mer åt bugg) med min före detta spanska lärare framför cirka hälften av alla eleverna som går i mitt hus. Ja. Det var ju... Roligt att dansa i alla fall... Jag sitter och väntar samtal också. Gillar inte o prata i telefon haha men det är en intervju som jag hoppas kan bli en lite push för mig i rätt riktning så jag får väl stå ut. 

I övrigt så skriver jag en del fortfarande. Inte samma mängd som för ett par veckor sedan men det blir lite här och lite där. Försöker ta mig tid att läsa och jag håller på att personifiera mitt rum. Försöker också få igång bättre tränings- och sovvanor. Jäkla jobb det ska jag säga men förhoppningsvis så blire bra i slutändan ^^ 



Av Zarah - 20 januari 2013 12:16


Text - Mee

Jag insåg att jag faktiskt hade fotat. Lite granna :) Jag har också skrivit som eeeen jävla galning. Snart 120 sidor, över 52 000 ord om samma personer. Det är riktigt roligt och det kommer fortfarande ny text! Hihi :) Jag och Isabell nördar inne på Google Drive (helt underbart verktyg som alla som skriver borde använda tillsammans med andra skrivande vänner) och så har hon börjat skriva en massa också :D 

Lördag och idag så har jag varit hemma hos Malin med mamma o Linda och vi har inte gjort så mycket. Fast vi har gjort jätte mycket. Ehm. Haha, vi har haft jätte roligt i alla fall. Vi är inte påväg hem än, så ett antal timmar till kommer det att ta innan man är hemma igen ;) Ickeproduktiv, meeeeen så måste re vara ibland också :) 


Av Zarah - 18 januari 2013 10:31

Johannes. För övriga bild-länkar: länk

Jag känner att det varit väldigt tyst här :P Det har varit så mycket annat just nu att jag knappt har haft tid över till något, jag har inte fotat någonting heller så det skulle inte bli den roligaste uppdateringen. Den här bilden har jag i alla fall knåpat ihop. Jag gör en del med mitt rum just nu också och det kommer det väl upp en bild på om nån dag eller två :) I övrigt hoppas jag bara att ni fortsätter hoppa in här lite då och då ^^ Ha de bra tills nästa gång :) 



18, nyexaminerad icke-fotograf. Kreatör, fotograf, sömmerska, skrivare, och lite sådant.
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